Monday 8 July 2013

Exercise: Squaring up

For this exercise, we are asked to enlarge an image using a grid to ensure the accurate transference of a small image into a much larger one.
I have completed this type of exercise before, and so decided to challenge myself by using a very complex image.  The image above of the Roman Baths and Cathedral at Bath is taken from a greetings card which sits in my boss’s office.  I photocopied it so it was approximately A5 in size and then gridded as shown.  I kept the grid fairly small in order to transfer the necessary level of detail in the image.

I transferred the drawing onto approximately A2 canvas using a HB pencil and trying to keep the outlines fairly light. 

Even with the gridding, I found I struggled quite a lot to keep my place on the drawing and so still had to use a ruler on the small image to try to keep my place.
I started painting (in oils) and basically worked my way down the painting.  Because of the time constraints in the drying and, because the painting was so complex, this was completed in numerous sittings.  In order to keep the colours consistent, I tried to complete areas of the same colour at the same time, as re-mixing (especially the stone colours) was quite tricky and did result in some variation.
Even though beginning with a complete, technical drawing does have its advantages (would never even contemplate something this complicated without an underdrawing!), once you start to paint, you do have to lose some of the pencil drawing just to be able to complete sections in one colour and not just “fill in the lines”.  This obviously does result in the loss of some of the detail, which I found a problem mainly on the cathedral (some of the flying buttresses are slightly out for example).

This painting is OK – just that, OK.  I didn’t want to add any more detail to it as it was taking me too long as it was.  I am pleased with the top part of the painting, although I feel the church could have more variation in tone.  The bottom half I am not so pleased with – the stone square looks more like an ice rink so I may have to add a little more detail.  Also the ochre building above the baths – a little too flat and boring.
Overall, probably needs a few more details and tonal variations to liven it up a bit!

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